Tony Leroy Cleveland, 38, of Tulsa, was arrested on complaints of shooting with intent to kill, assault with a deadly weapon, robbery with a firearm, assault with a deadly weapon, wearing a mask in commission of a felony and possessing a firearm, all after a felony conviction, jail records show. According to an arrest report, Cleveland was wearing a Batman mask and a red bandanna and carrying a gun when he entered the Food Pyramid on 51st Street near Memorial Drive about 11:30 p.m. The robber gathered the store employees and customers to the front of the store and demanded money. “It was a strange situation,” said Stutzman, 44. “It didn’t seem real. I thought it was a prank at first.” When another customer tried to duck behind a counter, Cleveland fired at him, missing his head by inches, the report states.
His gun jammed, and Stutzman tackled Cleveland, police said. Store surveillance video shows Stutzman single-handedly fighting to keep a hold on him, to the point the robber's shirt is pulled off. “It took me a few seconds to register that we might have an opportunity here,” Stutzman said. “From there, it just happened. It started in the store and ended outside. Everything else was a tumble, a blur.”
The struggle continued outside the store until police arrived, even after Stutzman was hit in the head and face with the gun.
Stutzman said he didn’t do anything extraordinary: “You know, it just happened. There’s no real big thing about it.”
On the contrary, said Tulsa police Sgt. Dave Walker, who said without Stutzman’s help, Cleveland would not have been arrested.
Although it appeared at first that Stutzman had a broken jaw, it was only badly bruised. He had several other scrapes on his head and legs that he sustained in the fight. Stutzman had already taken Friday off and was supposed to go to a family reuinion. “I was supposed to fly out this morning,” he said, laughing. “I guess it shows no good deed goes unpunished.” Detectives will look at previous robberies of Food Pyramids for similarities and possible additional charges against Cleveland, Walker said. Cleveland was booked into the Tulsa Jail about 4 a.m. Friday with bond set at $310,000.
Court documents show he served 10 years for Oklahoma County convictions of robbery with firearms and also has a Hughes County conviction for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
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