Arthur Odell Sanders arrested just after 6 am Saturday morning on North Church St. in Spartanburg. Sanders, 42, of 251 High St., Spartanburg, was charged with assault and battery with intent to kill, pointing and presenting a firearm, trespassing, car breaking and resisting arrest.
According to an incident report, an undercover Public Safety officer was surveiling Ricky’s Transmission at 780 North Church St. after a recent rash of burglary at the business. According to the incident report, the officer witnessed Sanders climb a fence and attempt to break into a vehicle on the parking lot. The report states that the officer approached Sanders and identified himself. That’s when a struggle ensued and Sanders attempted to climb a fence in an attempt to get away. During the struggle, the officer’s gun was dislodged from its holster and Sanders managed to grab it. Sanders then allegedly grabbed the gun and told the officer not to chase him. Sanders ran to a fence and fired one shot before fleeing the scene.
Thanks to the help of a resident in the area, officers located Sander
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