20-year-old Lauren Watts of Springdale was stopped last night on South Wayne Street in Lockland just before 5:30.When the officer, described as "Sgt. Vaughn" in police paperwork, approached the car, he saw the gun. Specifically, the barrel pointing in his direction as it stuck out of the suspect's purse.After calling more officers to the scene, Watts was then told by Vaughn to get out of the 1995 Mercury Grand Marquis she was driving. After exiting the vehicle, she then allegedly refused to do what they said.They claim Watts resisted arrest by fighting with them until Mace had to be used on her. The gun proved to be a loaded 22 revolver.Watts is facing several charges including carrying a concealed weapon, resisting arrest, and endangering children. It is not yet clear whether the endangering charge indicates that a child was inside the car at the time.
We could learn more on that charge and about the entire alleged incident during a scheduled court appearance this morning.
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